Everything That Could Have Been

Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends,

For our past, I’d like to make amends.

So, if you would join me in a toast

To cherish what we missed the most,

The moments we hold dear

In a damned, ungodly year.

Our childhood days are few;

In a while, we’ll start anew.

Let’s honor our hapless fallen grad,

And all the shit we should have had

In this cursed, unblessèd year,

The one that led us here.

In a short time, we’ll go,

To each their own, as we know.

Here’s to the love we shall recall,

And the bond that ties us all

To a doomed and wicked year

Of regret far too sincere.

Here’s to all that we have lost,

Gone with the wind, and at what cost?

To the smiles I keep in my heart,

Though mountains, plains, and oceans apart,

Even in the future I fear,

Post this jinxed, unholy year.

And yet in darkness, we saw light;

The blessings hidden in plain sight.

To the bliss in our gang,

To yin and yang,

To the plans that had to disappear

In this merciless and brutal year.

It seems I’ve gone off track.

I beg your pardon, I meant no attack

On this pitiful loss of a year…

Oh, what a year…

Now, before we part ways,

Cheers to the days.

Cheers to the loud-sung melodies,

And all the washed-down memories.

Cheers to the shenanigans and foolish endeavors,

Our music and our pure little pleasures.

Cheers to the sweetest of simplicities,

To our chances, and line of serendipities.

In warmth and coldest nights,

Cheers to all our playful fights.

Cheers to what we’ll remember,

To the vows we won’t surrender.

Cheers to the third to last letter –

For worse or for better –

A family name engraved in stone,

And we’ll never be on our own.

Cheers to all the laughs that bore tears,

How lucky we are to even have anything to cheers.

But above all, cheers to our biggest, greatest sin,

And everything that could have been.


Farther & Further Away


Hush, Child.